02 August 2014


Random Tidbits About Me

  1. I have three kids -- a daughter age 10 and two sons, ages 8 and 2.
  2. I am totally a night owl, not a morning person.
  3. I love coffee, all kinds of coffee, at any time of the day.
  4. I am left-handed, but mostly only for writing. So I'm ambidextrous actually.
  5. I dislike being cold and would rather sweat.
  6. I pierced my tongue when I was 20. Piercing is gone now but I still have a fatty tissue scar from it.
  7. I pierced my belly button when I was 18. 3 kids later, that piercing is gone now too.
  8. My ears ARE still pierced - 3 in my right ear and 4 in my left.
  9. I love the ocean but sometimes get sea sick. 
  10. I had braces on for 2.5 years in my late 20's. Yeah, I had some not so fabulous times in my 20's; like those awkward pre-teen years.
  11. I wear contacts, sometimes glasses, and would seriously bump into walls without them.
  12. When I was 5, my neighbor's dalmatian bit my cheek and I had to get stitches. I still have a faint scar.
  13. I was born in Cleveland, Ohio but I have never lived there.
  14. I played the clarinet in junior high, and was pretty good at it. Cool band nerd.
  15. I got hitched at the age of 18, during Spring Break, my senior year of High School. Don't judge! We're still married. ;)
  16. I first "met" and "talked" to said hubby over AOL chat, over dial-up connection. 
  17. My husband and I have lived at 12 different addresses together since 1998.
  18. I have two tattoos. I'm itching for another one.
  19. I got to go on a class trip to London when I was in 6th grade.
  20. Adding on to #19, I was living in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba at the time. Crazy adventures, huh?!
  21. I have a Bachelors of Arts in Visual Communications / Graphic Design.
  22. I don't like wearing closed toes shoes. Flip flips lover here!
  23. I have terrible memories of orange gatorade, relating to sea sickness, and will never drink it again.
  24. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder that causes the thyroid gland to be attacked.
  25. I'm not a fan of talking on the phone. But feel free to message me or talk to me in person!
  26. I absolutely love living in Key West and I dream of having a retirement home here.
  27. I am never bored.
  28. My to-do list is forever longer than I have enough time for. 
  29. I like to crank the radio up, loud, when driving by myself.
  30. I do not like onions.
  31. I am not afraid to get dirty or use power tools. 
  32. I am an introvert.
  33. I seriously love me some Jack Johnson tunes.
  34. I love gardening and having pretty flowers on my porch.
  35. I used to move our furniture around a lot. A LOT! I haven't done it much in this house, but it's about time. 
  36. As a child, I was a witch for Halloween so many times that I lost count. 
  37. I like wine, especially zin or moscato. 
  38. My favorite junk food: PIZZA!
  39. My middle name is Jean. So no, I am not Sandra Dee. I am Sandra Jean.
  40. Not gonna lie... I think there's something sexy about Johnny Depp. 


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