04 August 2014

My Brazil Butt Lift Results

Beachbody Brazil Butt Lift results. Before and After Pics

I'm just a LITTLE bit behind in posting this. Behind... Ha! No pun intended. So here are my results from the Brazil Butt Lift program that I completed last month. Making some progress in my journey!! Slow and steady wins the race, right?! I've been pretty consistent in losing about 5 months a month since starting New Year's of this year.

With Brazil Butt Lift and Shakeology, I am down another 10 pounds! Started at 145 pounds on Day 1 and finished at 135 pounds on Day 60. Lost 3.5" in my waistline, 2" in my hips, 2" in my booty, 1" in each thigh, 1/2" in each arm, and down 5% in body fat.

While I am pleased with and happy of my accomplishments so far, please know that I am not sharing this to boast or brag. This is not all about me and "Hey, look what I did!". I struggled to get to the point where I am now and to find what works for me and to find the motivation and support to do it and stick with it. Shakeology and Beachbody workout programs have been my success tools and have really improved and changed my life for the better. But I didn't do it alone. I had help along the way; LOTS of motivation and support! I too, am just a customer using the products and have a coach that has inspired me to reach my goals. My group of challengers continue to push me and encourage me and help me stay accountable.

I share my journey and my stories and my success because I know I am not alone. I know there are others that also struggle and need help, need that extra push and need someone to hold their hand... and maybe even drag them along and kick them in the rear from time to time. So all of this that I share, is to HELP others, and to also help keep myself accountable and to keep going. Thank you to all of you that have helped me and encouraged me along the way, and to those of you that have joined me and given me the privilege to be on YOUR journey with you.

To fitness and better health! :)

Beachbody Brazil Butt Lift - Results and Measurements


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