11 September 2014

Success in Helping Others

I am feeling a little sappy, and emotional, and completely in awe with some comments I've received recently from my fitness group challengers. I'd say clients, since technically they are, but they're actually all my friends - Old friends I've known for years, friends I've known for a little while, and friends I only met through Beachbody.
{seriously, makes me a teary-eye sap}

I've been pretty open with sharing my own fitness journey and my progress pics along the way with all of the Beachbody programs I have been using. But also, as some of you might have noticed by now, I signed on as an Independent Coach with Beachbody some months ago.

I know, I know... I can imagine how many of you out there are rolling your eyes right now thinking, "Ick, another MLM rep." Trust me, I totally get it! Nobody likes to feel like they are backed into a corner to buy something.

Nobody likes to feel like if they speak to someone that is a distributor of some MLM business that they will be given a sales pitch and conned into forking out money on stuff they don't need or want. Nobody likes seeing ads all over the place to "buy my stuff!" or "join my company".

Believe me, I have felt the same way, and still do sometimes. I used to say that I would NEVER join any kind of network marketing business again. (Yes, I said again.) So why did I sign up and join then, even though I feared the opinions that people would have of me?

Simple. Because I absolutely love Shakeology and have become obsessed with Beachbody's at home workout programs. Because I found something that is beneficial to my life. Originally, I just wanted the discount finally since I had been buying my Shakeology at full price for over a year. (Duh, Sandy! Should have done it sooner!) But, I am a true believer of all that Beachbody stands for and is all about.

The programs worked for me. Learning what exactly proper nutrition is has worked for me. Having support and accountability from others was SO helpful to me (still is!!). So much has changed for me and improved with me, along with a smaller waistline and a smaller number on the scale, and I decided I wanted to share what is proven to work with others.

Like I said before, I feared the opinions that people would have of me and how people would judge me for taking on this new "job". I also feared that I wouldn't be good at it, that people wouldn't find me and the challenge groups that I host to be helpful, and that I wouldn't succeed at it.

In the 4ish months that I have actively been coaching, I have had a few small successes along the way: hosting my first challenge group on my own, my first fitness program and shakeology sold, adding a few coaches to my team, rank advancement to Emerald Coach, the first time I reached Success Club, earning enough to pay for a grocery bill for a family of 5. Some of those things may not make sense to you, but that's okay. They're all great things! But the greatest success for me so far, is knowing that the work that I put in and effort that I put forth is actually paying off and helping people.

Seeing posts and comments from my friends, my challengers, with their gratitude is MY success. I get to witness other people's fitness and weight loss journey first hand. I am seeing huge weight loss results, healthy changes being made in nutrition, excitement and motivation for fitness from people that used to never work out and thought they hated it. I get to do something that I enjoy, share it with others, help change lives, motivate others, and stay motivated by them... and earn a little money while doing it. How freakin' cool is that?!

Success doesn't always come in the form of money (although, the extra income is nice and helpful too). Doing something that I am proud of, something that I enjoy, something that makes me happy, and knowing that I have helped others to make a difference in their lives... that's SUCCESS. 

Beachbody has brought so much positivity into my life and it's time I stop worrying what others may think. Now that I have managed to ramble on and turn this into a novel... I'll just be blunt for a moment:

I, Sandy Shelby, am a BEACHBODY COACH... and proud of it! :D


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