08 August 2014

7 Simple Tips to Losing Weight

  1. Portion Control - This is such an important concept when trying to lose weight. Stop supersizing your plate! Eat proper serving sizes and eat the correct portion of each food group throughout the day for a healthy balanced diet.

  2. Clean out the pantry - Get rid of all the junk, the ready made meals, processed foods, and stuff that is NOT healthy. If it's not there, you can't eat it.

  3. Drink plenty of water - It's plain and simple. Drink water. Your body NEEDS water. Drink water with your meals. Drink up before, during, and after your workout. Carry a refillable water bottle with you to drink throughout the day.

  4. No nighttime snacking - Make it a habit of eating your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime. It is so easy to turn into a couch potato at the end of the day and starting snacking, and it's usually not something healthy OR portion controlled. If you're really hungry and really need a late night snack, keep it healthy and portion it out. Eat veggies!

  5. Veggies first - Just like when you were kid, and just like I tell my kids today, eat your veggies first. They're healthy! Get them out of the way and done. Then you won't be too full on other stuff before you get to your veggies and hopefully you'll be less likely to overfill on the other food on your plate.

  6. Skip salt - It's just not that great for you. It's not good for blood pressure, makes you retain water, will make you feel bloated. There are other tasty spices and herbs to flavor up your foods. Prepackaged foods containing lots of salt are not things you want to be eating anyway.

  7. Cut out sugar - Cut out all the sweets, the desserts, all the processed sugars. You don't need it! 
If you want to see results, you've got to start in the kitchen! Don't let your hard work and sweat be ruined by a bad diet.


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