23 April 2014

My Focus T25 Results

So a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was just about done with Focus T25 and just a few pounds away from my (first) goal weight. That weekend, I was on my way out with the hubby for a little week long getaway to Vegas for our 15 year anniversary. I've been a bit busy since being back. So finally, here are my results. I did reach my goal, just one day before the deadline!
19 pounds gone in 93 days!!
T25 Transformation Before and After Photos

T25 Transformation Before and After Photos


On New Year's of this year, I was not happy with my 5'3" self standing on the scale looking at it say 164 lbs. More importantly, I was just not happy. I was tired, fatigued, cranky, irritable, hormonal, constantly had migraines, had little energy or desire to do anything, my joints were always achy, I didn't like how I felt inside, and I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. 2013 had been an exhausting year for me after being a third time mom and battling all these issues and symptoms (that I just mentioned) that I learned are apparently due to an autoimmune disorder, Hashimoto's, causing my thyroid and other hormones to go haywire. Last year, I was having blood drawn every month and visiting the doc to monitor the changes in my thyroid levels. Lucky for me, I have not had to go on thyroid meds for it and I'd like to keep it that way as long as possible. Never the less, I was tired of feeling crappy and needed to do something about it.
It was time for a change!!
So, I set out to lose the extra weight that I packed on from motherhood and decided that I really need to take control of my eating habits and learn to steer clear of foods that can cause thyroid complications. I started drinking Shakeology shakes again daily, usually at lunch or for an afternoon snack to boost my energy level when I most needed it. I first tried Shakeology about a year ago when I started having thyroid issues. I wanted a good quality protein shake that would provide great nutrients to help support my immune system and help with some of the symptoms I was having (fatigue, irritability, lack of energy, bloated feeling). At the time, I had a couple of leading shakes I was interested in, but after checking the ingredients and specs on them all, Shakeology was the winner for me. The biggest winning factor is that Shakeology is gluten free, which is a plus for anyone with thyroid and autoimmune disorders. 

The DVDs for Focus T25 had been sitting by the TV for months just collecting dust. I was on a mission to lose 19 pounds and get back down to my pre-preggo weight of 145 by April 5th, which was when the hubby and I would be leaving for vacation. It was a slow start at first, kept missing workouts, wasn't sticking to any particular meal plan, but still managed to lose a few pounds. A couple weeks into January, I found the Power HALF Hour Challenge Group on Facebook that was just about to get started for a 60-day challenge. How perfect for my 25 minute workouts with Shaun T! So I signed up to join hoping that having some peers to report my workouts and eating habits to would help keep me accountable and on track. That it did!! 

When the group formed, I started over with the T25 workout schedule since I had already missed so many days in between already. I wasn't perfect, but for the most part, I made time to squeeze the workouts in for 5-6 days a week. I was eating healthier, drinking my shakes and making a better habit of drinking more water. About half way through, I ordered the 21 Day Fix from Beachbody and was excited to try it out. So for the last 3 weeks of my T25 challenge, I incorporated the 21 Day Fix meal plan into my daily routine. LOVE the 21DF meal plan! By the end, I had reached my goal. No magic pill, no medical intervention...
just a healthy meal plan,
     a daily Shakeology shake,
          and 25 minute workouts!!
So what's next? This week I just started the 21 Day Fix with the Fix workouts. Results to come...


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