21 January 2015

FIT & FAB in FEB Challenge Group

This time last year, I was 40 pounds heavier than I am today and feeling miserable with myself, my weight, my health, the way my clothes fit (and didn't fit!), my constant fatigue and lack of energy, and my dreary moods. I felt lifeless and hopeless and depressed and was battling a thyroid disorder that I thought I would never gain control over. Just 7 months before, I had lost about 13 pounds doing Insanity to drop the post-preggo weight and prepare for a big family vacay we had planned to Alaska in the summer. By the end of the year, I had gained ALL but a few of those pounds back and was right back to the same size and shape as before. I was tired of it! Tired of being tired, overweight, and an unhappy and grumpy mom and wife to my family. I HAD to do something about it and I HAD to CHANGE!

I hated running, I had no time for gyms, nor did I feel like leaving the house. So once again, I popped in some DVD's. This time it was T25, again with Shaun T, the same fitness trainer and creator of Insanity. I must have started over with Day 1 on the program schedule about 7 times because I was having such a hard time getting motivated and doing it every day. About half way through the month, I came across an online challenge group to join in on. I wasn't sure what to expect and wasn't sure what being in a private group on Facebook would do for me, but let me tell you, BEST choice I made and the missing link that I needed to finally get my butt in gear! I didn't realize how important accountability and support would be for me to finally succeed at working towards and reaching my goals. Needless to say, I finally made it through T25 without starting over. The past year for me and my health and my body and well being has been completely life changing. And that's what it's been all about... making lifestyle changes. It's about getting active regularly and consistently and learning how to fuel your body properly.

So now it's YOUR turn! I am here for YOU, to help you and guide you and support and motivate you to make some changes in your life. I am sure you might have a ton of excuses, ifs, ands, and buts... but one thing I have learned is that there will NEVER be a perfect and right time. That's just life. We're all busy and scheduling more stuff into our day can be difficult, but if it's important enough to you, you can make it happen. Life is all about choices. So no more excuses! If you are someone that needs to get your health, nutrition, and fitness in order and are READY to do the work, I am ready to HELP YOU!

So what does THIS involve?
• ME, as your personal online coach.
• A small private group on Facebook.
• The group will be 4 weeks long.
• A Beachbody Program of your choice.
• Shakeology, your daily dose of dense-nutrition.
• Daily check-ins for support and accountability.
• Your participation & support for others.
• Fitness & Nutrition tips and resources.
...and fun!

This will be a small quaint group of about 10 women and I currently have FIVE spots available. Why limited you ask? To allow me to dedicate enough time to the group and my challengers and provide 1-on-1 help to everyone individually, and see that EACH one of you reaches your goal. Commitment to the group must be made by Tuesday, January 27th and will start on February 1st. SO hurry and claim your spot!

To help me get to know YOU and YOUR GOALS, and register for the group, APPLY BELOW.

If you have questions and would like to chat first, I'd love to hear from you!
Message me here on my blog: Contact Me
or on Facebook at fb.com/fitandsticky

heart emoticon  - Sandy


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