19 January 2015

When the WHY gets stronger, the HOW gets easier.

▶▶▶ Your Monday Motivation ◀◀◀

What's your WHY?! Dig deep and really think about it for a minute. Write down what one of your most important goals is, and be specific. Now write down WHY. WHY is it that you want to change whatever it is that you want to change?

"When the WHY gets stronger, the HOW gets easier. PURPOSE is stronger than OBJECT." 
In other words, you can't just have a goal or a dream in mind. You need to have a reason, a purpose, that will drive you to make it happen. The stronger your reason is for wanting to achieve that goal, the easier it will be for you to do what is necessary to get there. Your REASON is what is more powerful than the goal itself and THAT is what you need to keep in the forefront of your mind. Your WHY!

{Audio by Darren Hardy at DarrenDaily.com, voice of Jim Rohn}


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