14 January 2015

Current Goal: Lose the last 7 pounds!

 Oh Em Gee!!! 7 pounds!! That's it!! Just 7 little pounds until I have lost a total of 50 {FIFTY} with in-home dvd programs from Beachbody, drinking Shakeology daily, and cleaning up my eating habits. I so got this!

Yes, of course, it's not JUST about pounds lost and a number on the scale, but 50 pounds down from where I started will still be a pretty darn AWESOME ACCOMPLISHMENT! I am so pumped and feel amazing and am NOT quitting and giving up again. So cheer me on and help me stay accountable to this goal!

Honestly, 50 pounds is BEYOND what I ever set out for. I just wanted to lose the post baby weight and drop about 28 total. I didn't even think I HAD 50 to lose and certainly did not imagine that I would or could. I joke with hubby and ask him why he didn't tell me I needed to shape up, why he didn't nudge me to get my health and fitness back in check. His response, "I tried." :) And he did, but of course I don't like to listen. My message to you - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Set goals and GO FOR IT! Change your habits, tweak your lifestyle, get active and you WILL see RESULTS and feel healthy and great!

Thank you all for the love and support with my journey so far! Looking forward to supporting more of you and helping you reach your health and fitness goals.

To good health and happiness,


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