17 December 2014

Big Hairy Scary Goals can be reached

Wow!! Just wow!! I was just scrolling through some old conversations on Facebook looking for some information I need. I happened to come across this message that I had sent to my Beachbody Coach (and now one of my business partners) dated on January 16th of this year.

"So you have an idea of where I am at, and what my goals are... I did a round of Insanity last spring and lost 13 pounds (at 6 months postpartum). I since gained a little, and then lost a little. So now to finish what I started and get about 20 more off. I was diagnosed with Hashi's last year (an autoimmunue / thyroid disorder), which is common to complicate weight loss.  I refuse to let that be an excuse though."

I was determined and eager to get some weight off and get in shape and start feeling better, despite a thyroid illness. I was hopeful that joining her challenge group would help give me the support and motivation that I needed to reach my goals. Boy did it!! I was looking to lose "about 20 pounds" to get back to the weight I was at before my third pregnancy. Over the course of this year, I completely squashed that goal... losing 19 pounds in the first challenge group I participated in at the beginning of the year, plus another 20 pounds after that when I began coaching and helping others with their fitness goals.

Looking back, I completely underestimated just what I was capable of! Amazing things happen if you try hard enough and push past your limits.

I'm going to call Dawn out for a minute too. She is a long time friend of mine that I met 16 years ago. She is also one of my fitness buddies (and now also a coach on my team) that has been along beside me in my challenge groups since June. She came to me wanting to get started with her health and fitness goals and have support and accountability along the way. She found my progress and results from doing T25 to be motivating and inspiring to her, but let me tell you, SHE is someone that has been so motivating and inspiring to me.

She is often humble about her progress, but she has been busting her butt since the middle of this year to reach a goal that she shared with me when she started. It was her 40th birthday and she wanted to feel better, inside and out, and knew she needed to get active and make some changes. She gave a number that she would like to lose before her next birthday, which easily could have been a big hairy scary goal! But ya know what... she started strong, gave it her all, did what she needed to do, and by Halloween this year she was down 48.4 lbs and 28.5 inches since June 13th. Frickin' AMAZING!! Not sure what the numbers are currently since she likes to keep me in suspense. ;)

My dear friend Dawn, I have NO DOUBT that you are capable of reaching that goal, and that you WILL reach that goal, that you set out for yourself in June. ALL OF YOU are capable of reaching your goals and doing anything that you believe in, that you work hard at, and put your heart into. BELIEVE in yourself and never give up!! ♥


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