30 March 2014

Hello Pre-Preggo Weight!

I've been quiet and in the closet about trying to finally get rid of the extra post baby pounds. Okay, not really in the closet, but actually in the bedroom with the door shut with Beachbody workout videos in the DVD player.

During the 9 months of carrying our third sweet (and final) baby, I packed on more pounds than I had with the first two, tipping the scale at about 195 just before he arrived. I wore it well (I think) and was proud of my big ol' preggo belly. But afterwards, not so cute and I was feeling really old, out of shape, and down right crappy... the extra weight needed to go! 9 months to pack it on, and finally, 18 months later, I am back down to my pre-preggo weight. Felt pretty awesome to slip on an old pair of size 8 shorts the other day instead of the size 12's I started with. :)

On New Year's of this year, I was 164lbs at 5'3". I set a goal to get back down to 145lbs, my pre-preggo weight, by April 5th. Why that date? That's when the hubby and I are sneaking off to Vegas for a week for our 15 year anniversary and I want to be able to wear cute clothes again and look good on his side!

I'm down about 15 pounds as of New Years this year, just a few pounds away from my first goal weight. But I'm not done!! I will be setting a new goal and continuing to get fit and stay fit! I've finally decided to share my own little journey. Why?

Because I might just inspire others, and because sharing keeps me accountable and motivated to keep going.
You're welcome to follow my journey in getting healthy and fit, and even more welcome to join me. Or you can just spy on me and stalk me if you're creepy like that.

Over the last couple months, I have been sweating my butt off with Shaun T doing Focus T25 workouts in my bedroom. Occasionally I hit the street and go for a jog as well. I drink Shakeology daily, either for lunch or as a snack. I've been sticking to a healthy meal plan and increasing my water intake, something I had been terrible about in the past. I will be finished with this round of Focus T25 just in time for our Vegas vacay. I'm anxious to take my after photos and measurements to see just how far I've come along. Yes, I see the numbers going down on the scale and my clothes are fitting different. Some clothes finally fit, and some that I have been trying to fit into are actually getting loose already. But taking body measurements and seeing before and after photos really tell a lot too! I'll also be submitting my results on Beachbody so I can earn my Focus T25 tshirt and a chance to win cash prizes. Lose weight, get a free tee... I'm already winning!

No, I haven't had huge biggest loser results. It's been a bit of a turtle crawl for me and there were weeks that I was stuck and didn't lose at all or even gained some back. But in the end, like the hubby keeps telling me,

"It's a marathon, not a sprint." 
It's not about how fast I get there, it's about putting in the hard work and doing it and reaching the finish line. Stay tuned later this week for before and afters... which I am very nervous to share!!


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