29 March 2014

My Magic Protein Shake

Shakeology - The Healthiest Meal of the Day

Okay, so I might have a slight addiction here. Not one, but two separate orders of Shakeology delivered on the same day (I like to keep 2 different flavors on hand). Like it says on the bag, it's...

"The Healthiest Meal of the Day"
After a year of drinking the stuff daily, sometimes 2 a day, plus using Beachbody fitness programs, I finally signed up as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach so I can at least enjoy a little discount on my Shake-O habit. :) I'm not one to be an annoying salesperson just to earn a commission, so I'll save you all from that. However, I am happy to share my opinions and some information about something that I am passionate about and that works for me. If anyone is ever curious and interested in trying Shakeology or any of the Beachbody programs, feel free to ask me about it.

After learning that I have an autoimmune/thyroid disorder last year, I wanted to keep my diet and health in check the best I can to prevent thyroid complications and try to prevent the use of thyroid meds. So far, a year later, still no need for meds. I had looked into incorporating a healthy protein shake into my diet and after checking the ingredient list on Shakeology and some other competitors, Shakeology was the winner for me. Drinking it daily as long as I have, it really has helped me get on and stay on the right track with my health and eating habits. I had actually cancelled my auto shipments on it for a few months last year and definitely noticed a difference.

As of New Year's of this year, I decided to get serious about getting back on track. I was tired of carrying the extra post-preggo weight, tired of feeling crappy, tired of feeling fatigued all the time, tired of feeling down and bluesy, and tired of all of that affecting my day to day activities. Most of all, I was tired of all my "issues" affecting my kids and husband. I started drinking my Shake-O again every day and picked out a new workout program to get busy with (I'll talk about that later in another post... with before and after photos!). In the last few months, things have definitely changed - with my health, with my moods, and with my weight!

So is it a magic shake, like that magic weight loss pill that everybody dreams of? 
No, not completely. The only way to achieve what you want is for you to actually want it, and to have the drive, the motivation, the dedication, and the will power to do it and make it happen. I had most of that but was lacking the energy to make it happen, which Shakeology has helped me with. So for me, yes, it is my own little magic Shake that I enjoy and look forward to drinking daily. :)


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