30 May 2014


Something amazing happened on the scale today. I stepped on it watching the digital lights rotate, like on an episode of Biggest Loser, and 139 popped up. After being married 15 years (What's that saying? Something about a fat happy belly is a sign of a happy marriage) and having birthed 3 children, I never imagined or even BELIEVED that I would ever see myself in the 130's again. But that just happened! The excuse of being a mom and not having the body and being as fit and healthy and in shape as we used to be, is just that. It's an EXCUSE!

As excited and proud of myself that I am, it's made me a little emotional today. This word right here, that is what I did. This word has been a big topic of discussion for me lately, and has been over the years. This word has so much meaning to me, various meanings, for various reasons, but it all comes back down to this one word. Accomplishment. Seeing that number gave me a huge sense of accomplishment today! I earned it! I did that!



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