25 May 2015

Moved, Moved In, and Moving Forward

Reality Check. This was me last night, not feeling well and not in a happy place. This past week has been tough - mentally, emotional, physically - and a great reminder of WHY I started to begin with. It's been 2.5 months since our family uprooted and began our move from Florida to Virginia, and quite a process it was finding a home that fit our needs and in a good area and good schools. There were times that it was difficult to eat perfectly well and healthy and times that getting a workout in just could not and did not happen. But for the most part, I did well and put in a great effort and was happy, healthy, and maintaining all that I had worked so hard for with my health and fitness in the last 2 years. My body and mind was quite forgiving and resilient to the days where I didn't do so well.

We found a great home that we love and in a great area, the stresses of moving were lessening, and everything was coming together. Then there was move in day. Suddenly, there was so much stuff that needed to get done and unpacked and put away and organized and cleaned. There STILL is. Suddenly, so many things seemed more important and there were so many projects I wanted to tackle and get done and spent every waking minute trying to make progress around the house, that I put the most important project on the back burner - me.

In the last 2 weeks, I greatly began to lose momentum, had trouble finding motivation, lost touch with many of the people that once helped me to stay accountable. Even as I slowly "fell off the wagon", I still felt resilient, like I could jump back on any time and that my little "break" wouldn't effect me much.

But it did. My moods started to change. The irritability, the fatigue, the anxiety, and depression that I fought so hard to treat and overcome with good nutrition and fitness all started to creep back. I have not been sleeping well and do not wake up feeling rested even after 8 hours of sleep. My body is sluggish and my joints ache again. My face has been breaking out again. Little by little I began to notice these changes this week, all before I even realized a lot of my clothes are too snug. My hubby and kids were noticing these changes as well.

So you see, being healthy and fit is not just about how your butt and gut looks! Although, I certainly do like when mine is slimmer and when I feel comfortable and confident in my clothes. But there is so much more to it than that, especially for me. It's about being healthy and well on the inside and FEELING well and feeling happy.

THAT is why I became passionate about nutrition and fitness to begin with and why I share my journey, to heal myself and to help others find happiness and wellness with themselves.

I've had mixed emotions this past weekend. Angry with myself for not taking care of myself as I should. Sad that my family noticed and wasn't getting the best from me. Ashamed and embarrassed, thinking of how people will judge me. Like a hypocrite to those that have counted on me as their coach to help them. But today, I choose not to feel that way and have decided to do something about it. These things happen, and I know I am not alone. So if any of this rings a bell for anyone, if my sharing inspires and motivates even just one person to make the changes they need, then my time writing this is not wasted and I am happy to have shared and to give you someone to relate to.

As of today, I am determined and moving forward and am fully committed to following another round of 21 Day Fix. My fix portion containers are out on the kitchen counter, along with a notepad to track my eating and water intake to keep myself honest and accountable. Then I will follow the next 3 weeks by doing 21 Day Fix Extreme. I will be pushing play daily, drinking my Shakeology and sharing my progress. I did finally find and unpack the scale today. The damage in the last 2+ months? Up about 6 or 7 pounds. Not too terrible as I expected it to be worse. But again, it's not all just about the scale and certainly not the only tool to measure progress. I'll take new body measurements and progress photos today too to document my "before" and "afters" with the program. Feel free to follow along. I always appreciate the encouragement. For anyone willing and ready to join me, I'd love to help and support and encourage you too. It is much more motivating with someone on your side!

To good health and happiness,


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