24 June 2012

30 Weeks

Oh my goodness! I am sooo behind on baby bump updates on this blog. I guess I'm just so busy always doing something, or sometimes just tired and lazy, and don't think to sit down and write an update. It's so quick and easy to just post short comments on Facebook. I think all things baby have taken over my Facebook wall. :)

The fact that it's been 12 weeks since my last post here, and I now only have 10 weeks until Munchkin's due date, is a bit overwhelming. We're so excited and can't wait (the baby is almost here!), but at the same time- Oh my goodness, I can't believe it (the baby is almost here!)! Time flies! Clearly it does, as I have no idea how I am 7 months along already or how my belly has suddenly gotten to be so big and sometimes in the way.

Thankfully, I'm not waddling yet and I'm still quite mobile getting all the housework done or sweating my rear off while making over the garden. I'm finding it a little harder to get up off the floor sometimes and the growing bump is always bumping into things. Sleeping is getting more difficult, as I find it hard to fall asleep at a decent time and it's getting harder to get comfortable. Thank goodness for hubby's sake that we have a king sized bed, even though his side is getting smaller and smaller with all my pillows wrapped around me. It's getting really hard to stay on my left side to sleep, constantly waking up on my back or on my right side. Then when I get up to use the bathroom and adjust all the pillows again, munchkin seems to think that is an invitation to start dancing in my belly.

There is so much to do, and so little time. Fortunately, we do have most of what we need to bring Munchkin home for him to be safe, comfy, and cozy and things to make our daily lives easy and convenient. Some of the bigger stuff (crib, bassinet, pack-n-play, rocking chair) we have saved since our first born almost nine years ago. Everything else (dresser, baby swing, carseat, stroller) we have gradually been ordering online over the last few months. Thank goodness for the internet and home delivery!! We absolutely love living in the Keys, but shopping is definitely limited here. And, we totally love Amazon Prime and the perks of free shipping!

A huge thank you to the family and friends that have pitched in with some of the baby shopping! It's been really nice being showered with baby gifts in the mail off our Amazon registry, in lieu of a traditional baby shower. Of course, we still miss out on seeing our distant family and friends and celebrating the growing bump, but it's nice keeping in touch with everyone online at least. We certainly appreciate the surprise baby packages in the mail.

With most of the major shopping out of the way (just down to some of the smaller stuff- toiletries, bottles, more clothes), we pretty much just need to finish getting the nursery together. It's great that we saved some of the bigger stuff, but you all know me... I like to fix everything up and make-over and re-purpose things. Our crib has been beat up in our many moves over the years, and was also teethed on by the first two munchkins. So, that is getting fixed up and painted white (it's now a light oak). I reupholstered the rocking chair some years ago when the cushions started wearing thin. The fabric that is on it though doesn't match my colors in the nursery. So of course, I just have to reupholster it again. The bassinet is in good shape and just needs to be washed before it's put back together. The fabric covering and frame is all white, which will match the nursery great. But again, I can't just leave things as they are, so I'll be adding some extra touches of blue and green to that as well. :)

I searched and searched for the perfect bedding that I had in mind with soft blues, greens, white, and grey that was modern and trendy and not covered in animals prints or anything that shouted "baby".  After all, the nursery is also being shared with hubby's office space so I want to keep it neutral and fashionable for both boys. Everything that I found that I liked was just too ridiculous to spend on crib bedding. So once again, doing what I like to do best, and attempting to make it myself. I did pick out a couple of crib sheets in the colors I want, but I will be sewing the crib skirt, bumper, and altering a blanket that I already have. Wish me luck!!

I'll try to post more updates now that we're getting closer and I'll share my progress with all of the nursery projects I have planned. Our next OB appt is Wednesday and the kids will get to go with us for the first time and see their baby brother on the ultrasound. After that, I'll be down to two week check-ups. Oh my! Getting close!!

Back to working, cleaning, and nesting I go... :)

(Amazon Registry: http://www.amazon.com/registry/baby/24PAR96NU4QYV)


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