02 July 2012

31 Weeks

31 weeks belly bump

So what's new at 31 weeks? I had my 30 week check-up with the doc last week. We brought the kids along with us for the first time so they could see their baby bro on the ultrasound. It's not as exciting and amazing to them as it is for the grown-ups, but still nice for them to get a sneak peak of their new sibling. 

Last month, I had to endure the wonderfully boring 4 hour long glucose screening test, having my blood drawn 5 times, since my levels were slightly too high on the first glucose screening (the easy 1 hour one). Good news is, the results came back fine and I do not have gestational diabetes. More good news is that our  little munchkin has turned head down. Yay! Let's hope he stays there! I think he will though since I can tell by his kicks and movements that things are starting to get a little cramped in there. Based on docs measurements on the ultrasound, he's about 3lbs-4oz, right on par as he should be at this point. I'm now down to 2 week doc visits, which is going to make the weeks seem even faster than they already have been.

As for the nursery, still a lot of work that needs to be done in there! Basically, we've done nothing other than put the dresser and hutch together. I love that the kids are out of school for the summer and we all get to sleep in and hang out and do whatever we feel like doing any day of the week. But man do the days fly by, and boy do they keep me busy!! As much as I like to pretend to be superwoman and think that I have time to do everything, I am not and I don't. Hubby finally convinced me that I need to cut back my work hours in order to keep my sanity, prepare for munchkins arrival, and give myself some time to relax. Actually, he suggested that I pull the plug and quit working entirely, immediately! I decided to compromise and eliminate the extra time I spend at the computer on custom and freelance designing, as of now, and will close down the web shop at the end of this month. He's right though... I do work for myself and the beauty of that is that I do not have to work long hours and I  do not have to work until I deliver. :)  So, less work and more me time and family time it is! :)

Call it mother's intuition or whatever it might be, but I really have a strong feeling that this little guy will come sooner than his due date. Even more reason that I am anxious to get busy with the nursery, and pack a hospital bag! Our daughter (first born) was 2 weeks early, but son (second born) was only 3 days early. We shall see how early, late, or time time this one is. Anyone taking bets? :)

Physically and health-wise I am doing pretty great. Still getting around just fine, not waddling, and I don't find the bulging belly really prevents me from doing much. Slows me down and bumps into lots of things, yes... but certainly doesn't stop me. Feet swelling is minimal and I still have my rings on. Late pregnancy fatigue has not kicked in. Restless legs and insomnia keeping up pretty late on some nights, but I still manage to function just fine the next day. My belly firms up a lot just under my right rib cage. Not sure if he's just pushing his booty out (the ultrasound showed that's where it is) or if it's braxton hicks. It's probably a little of both. 

And a couple more pics...


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