11 July 2012

32 Weeks

32 weeks down and 8 or less to go!! Yes, I am very optimistic and hopeful in thinking it will be less. I really do have a strong intuition that he will be an early arrival, so we shall see. Yesterday was my checkup with the doc and I had a special surprise while I was there. Checked my weight and vitals, as usual, then the nurse takes me back to an exam room I'd never been in before (all other appts have always been in the same room). I walk in and there's a nice big flat screen tv on the wall and a brand new beautiful ultrasound machine beside the bed. And what do I see scrolling across the screensaver - Dr. Peterson, 3D/4D Ultrasound. Awesome! A nice improvement from the old, small, ancient machine he normally uses. So, I got to be his guinea pig while he tested out the new machine and got used to using it. The regular black and whites were much better. The 3d was not as clear, but Doc is still getting used to using it, and apparently it's harder to get a clearer image when baby gets so big in the 3rd trimester. But it was still fun, and I got so see his cute very chubby cheeks. And boy is he certainly a boy! We got a good glimpse of that too! All is looking good and healthy with the munchkin and myself. Guestimated measurements are now 4lbs 11oz. Holy smokes!! Getting big so fast!

Below: 11 weeks belly pudge vs. 32 weeks belly bulge.
Same shirt, just keeps on stretching. :) No way I can get the same shorts on now though.


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