09 August 2012

36.5 Weeks

We are cruising right along!! This pregnancy really has flown by. Of course, throw a military move in the mix and everything involved with that, plus two months of summer break with the kids out of school, and time will inevitably slip right through your fingers.

Four more days until a big preggo milestone. I'll be 37 weeks along on Monday, which means our little munchkin will be considered full term from that point forward. Babies make their debut whenever they feel like it (our first born proved that at 2 weeks early!). So if this little guy decides to greet us early, which I still feel that he will, we're happy that he's fully developed and safe to do so. I had my latest check-up with the doc yesterday and our little melon is now measuring to be about 6lbs 1oz and still looking great and healthy in there. I'm doing just fine as well. My feet were pretty swollen for a few days last week, but I think being outside in the heat while bending down, kneeling down, and crawling around to get some furniture painted had contributed to that.

I barely noticed any braxton hicks contractions with our first born, and by the time I felt any significant ones with our second born, I was days within delivering. This time around, I have been feeling them for a couple months already and lately, not a day goes by that I don't get a funny feeling down there like my water is ready to break. That was the on-start of delivery with the first two, broken water before true labor started.

So are we ready? Almost! I have been a nesting fool the last few weeks with cleaning house and working on projects for the nursery and our two kiddos rooms. I officially quit working on the first of the month (yes, a whole month early) so I could have the time to focus on the things I want and need to get done around here. Part of the joy of working freelance and being your own boss, and having a supporting hubby (mentally and financially) so that I can take that kind of time off. With so much time and attention that does into preparing for the arrival of a baby, I wanted to devote some time and attention to finally finish decorating our two kids' rooms. They have been patiently waiting since we moved in for me to dress their rooms up with some cool vinyl decals, so I finally did. I also painted a large house-shaped bookcase that our daughter uses as a barbie house. She had outgrown the pastel pink that it used to be, with fairy tale mural stuff painted on the inside. It didn't quite fit in with her new decor of white, black, hot pink, and zebra and demask prints. Our son's room is now covered in pirate theme decals on the walls to match his Lego Pirates of the Caribbean bedding. I'd say they're both pretty happy with their new rooms! I'll post pics shortly. :)

{Update: pics are posted of the kids' room. G's Room and T's Room}

Some other furniture painting I have been totally consumed with is the old crib that we bought nine years ago. It's in great shape and we love the crib, but after being used for two kids already and teethed on and being through a few moves with us, it was in need of a little TLC. First thing I decided when I started planning the nursery was that I was done with the honey oak and was going to paint the crib white. After 3 coats of primer, 2 coats of paint, and 3 coats of polycrylic, I'm loving how it turned out. It's still in pieces waiting to get put together because we wanted to allow the paint and poly enough time to fully cure so that the rails wouldn't stick together next time we need to take it apart.

I have spent the last few days tending to everyone's laundry and cleaning the whole house from upstairs to downstairs. The carseat is installed in my car, with an extra base in hubby's truck. I have packed a bag for when it is finally time to head to the hospital, with the exception of a few things that I will throw in at the last minute. All in all, everything is coming together and we have everything we need for our little munchkin, a clean cozy home, the bassinet ready to go, and all his tiny little clothes washed and put away in his dresser. In the midst of all of that, I have also finished all the back to school shopping for clothes and supplies so that the kids are ready to go the week after next. With all that done, I am finally moving on to putting the crib back together, sewing the crib skirt, decorating the nursery walls, and reupholstering the rocking chair. I definitely keep myself busy around here! :)

The crib (before): teethed on and scratched

The crib (after): a clean crisp beautiful white

Daughter's barbie house (before)

{More pics to come as I make some more progress in the nursery.}


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