31 August 2012

39.5 Weeks and a False Alarm

So here we are now, just 3 days before munchkin's due date. I honestly didn't think I would make it this far and thought for sure that he would be another early arrival. I guess he showed us!! While it has been a fairly easy and pleasant pregnancy, this last trimester has been quite different than what I experienced with the first two. The braxton hicks contractions have been very obvious and much stronger. I barely even noticed them with the other two. For at least a month, I get this weird pelvic pressure and some funny feelings, like my water is about to spring a leak. I'm naturally on edge about my water breaking before labor starts since it happened already with both of the first two pregnancy, without any warning, contractions, or weird funny feelings down there. Our little munchkin has been head down and perfectly in position already for a few months, while the other two did not turn until the very end. I think the difference in position has probably contributed to the heavier pressure I feel this time around. Not at all painful really, just heavy and sometimes feels like I've been kicked in the crotch or like I've been riding a bike too long (and no, sadly, my bike has not moved from the garage in months).

It's been nice not working for the last month and not having the stress of deadlines and getting work orders and projects done in a timely manner. When I didn't feel like going anywhere on certain days (like runs to the post office to get orders out), I didn't have to. When I was tired and drained and wanted to lay around and nap and be lazy, I did just that without feeling guilty that I had work to do. I got a lot of projects, cleaning, and decorating done around the house that I had been trying to find time to get around to. I got the nursery put together and decorated, which involved a lot of DIY painting and sewing and or course, wall vinyl. It was nice being able to spend some quality time around the house and out on the boat with the kiddos before they started back in school last week.

Within the last week, I actually started getting a little bored after running out of things to clean and organize. Honestly, who are we kidding... there is ALWAYS something around here for me to do and always another craft or project that I'd like to get my hands on. I do have a few more paint projects in mind around the house that I'd like to get to eventually. But at this point, I'm just too anxious for our little munchkin to greet us and don't want to get in the middle of something I can't finish. So sitting around bored and waiting and killing time, keeping the floors clean and keeping laundry baskets empty, is pretty much all I've been doing since the kids went back to school.

Last weekend was a little busy and hectic as we prepared for Tropical Storm / Hurricane Isaac. I really didn't think we would be affected too much by the storm, and thankfully we weren't. There was still a big possibility of flooding and power outage, so we were definitely prepared for that. At 39 weeks along, there was definitely concern of going into labor and/or my water breaking. I really didn't want that to happen in the midst of the storm (and it didn't), but I was kind of hoping that I would find some truth in the possibility of labor being onset by the change in barometric pressure from the storm. No such luck!

My latest doc appointment was Tuesday, 3 days ago. Everything was looking good and healthy as usually. Based on the ultrasound measurements, little munchkin weighed in at about 7.5 pounds. Doc checked my cervix for signs of progression and it was very soft and thinning, but not at all dilated yet. So no signs that labor and delivery would be too soon, but he did say hopefully and maybe something would happen this weekend. Otherwise, my next appointment with him is next Tuesday (one day past my due date). He won't intervene with nature to help things along until the 41 week mark, so we're waiting to see what happens before then.

Since that appointment, within the last couple days, I have already seen some signs that labor may soon be underway. On two occasions, I passed part of the 'mucus plug' (sorry if that may be TMI for some!!). Then this morning, I had quite an episode involving some 'bloody show' (again with the TMI!). Yes, I know these things are perfectly normal and can and do happen, even though I didn't experience any of that with the first two pregnancies. Still, without going into gory details with specifics, it was a little alarming and left room for concern. Without getting too worked up and worried about it, I got the kids off to school and called my doc to inform him. He happened to be at the hospital for a surgery (not at his private office) and told me to come up and get checked out. Once I got there and checked in with the ER staff, they admitted me to labor and delivery and got me hooked up to the monitor to check the baby's heartbeat and track contractions. I wasn't even feeling them at the time, but apparently I was having some contractions already. The nurse on staff said there was no concern about the bleeding issues, baby is doing fine, I'm doing fine, contractions have started but are mild. After checking my cervix and finding that I was not dilated yet and my water is not broken or leaking, there was no reason to keep me.

So, after being admitted to labor and delivery this morning for a very brief time and then discharged, I am now back to sitting around at home waiting for the contractions to increase and/or water to break. It was so bittersweet. I was afraid to go in and find that something may be wrong and that there could possibly be complications. Thankfully, everything seems to be fine. But such a bummer to get sent home and still be waiting for our little munchkin. We're so close, and hopefully will be finally seeing him in the next few days. The nurse told me he wouldn't be surprised if I was back in there on Sunday or Monday. :) Monday, which happens to be Labor Day (Ha!!) is the actually due date. Wish us luck and send lots of labor vibes!! We are soooo ready!!


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