06 November 2014

Turn Your Want to Haves into Have to Haves

One thing I have come realize in life and especially in the last year while tackling my fitness goals, is that sometimes we need to make our wants a necessity. We need to turn our desires into something we need if it truly is important to us.

There's a great difference in being committed to doing something and not just being interested. If you really want to be successful in reaching your fitness goals, you have to make your health, nutrition, and fitness part of who you are, something you do regularly. It's just like showering and showing up for your job. It's just something you do and you show up and make it part of your routine. It can't be a hobby that you just do sometimes when you feel like it or have spare time. That's the difference in making lifestyle changes that are long-lasting and fad dieting. And we all know where fad dieting gets us, right?!

But here's the thing, in order to GET motivated and committed, you've got to have your mind channeled in the right direction. You can't just "WANT TO" lose some weight, have a more flattering body, and feel better and healthier. You need to have a strong reason that you "HAVE TO" do it.

Think about this: What happens to our wants, our interests, and our hobbies when life gets busy or hectic and other things get in the way? Ours interests and things that we don't put a lot of value in get pushed aside and put on the back burner. We prioritize and make time for the things that are more important to us and the things that we have to do. Many people fail at reaching their health and fitness goals because they simply did not make it a priority.

Here's a perfect insert from the great Darren Hardy, motivational speaker and publisher of SUCCESS magazine.

You only achieve your HAVE TO HAVE.
You WANT to make more money? Forget it.
You WANT to lose weight? Won’t happen.
You WANT to have a better marriage? Nah, you're kidding yourself.

You HAVE to earn $2,000 more a month to keep your house?
You’ll figure it out.
You HAVE to lose 20 pounds to get out of heart attack danger?
You’ll (finally) do what it takes.
You HAVE to make your marriage better, or else?
Hey, now you might do the work to make it happen.

See the difference?
So does your brain.
You’ll be surprised at how powerful, disciplined, focused and unrelenting you will become when you turn your want to haves into have to haves.

So ask yourself — What is your WHY? Just wanting something isn't always enough to motivate you and drive you to do what it takes to achieve it. You need to have a great concrete reason for WHY you want it, why you HAVE to HAVE it. Do you WANT to lose 20 pounds, or do you HAVE to lose 20 pounds? Having a reason for why you are working so hard, why you HAVE TO work so hard, can make all the difference on those days that you just don’t want to get out of bed and/or you just want to plop down on the couch after work, and those days that you find yourself having no control with bad eating habits. So dig deep and find your reason! Also, make sure your goals are realistic and achievable so you can really enjoy the fruit of your labor.


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