25 May 2015

Moved, Moved In, and Moving Forward

Reality Check. This was me last night, not feeling well and not in a happy place. This past week has been tough - mentally, emotional, physically - and a great reminder of WHY I started to begin with. It's been 2.5 months since our family uprooted and began our move from Florida to Virginia, and quite a process it was finding a home that fit our needs and in a good area and good schools. There were times that it was difficult to eat perfectly well and healthy and times that getting a workout in just could not and did not happen. But for the most part, I did well and put in a great effort and was happy, healthy, and maintaining all that I had worked so hard for with my health and fitness in the last 2 years. My body and mind was quite forgiving and resilient to the days where I didn't do so well.

We found a great home that we love and in a great area, the stresses of moving were lessening, and everything was coming together. Then there was move in day. Suddenly, there was so much stuff that needed to get done and unpacked and put away and organized and cleaned. There STILL is. Suddenly, so many things seemed more important and there were so many projects I wanted to tackle and get done and spent every waking minute trying to make progress around the house, that I put the most important project on the back burner - me.

In the last 2 weeks, I greatly began to lose momentum, had trouble finding motivation, lost touch with many of the people that once helped me to stay accountable. Even as I slowly "fell off the wagon", I still felt resilient, like I could jump back on any time and that my little "break" wouldn't effect me much.

But it did. My moods started to change. The irritability, the fatigue, the anxiety, and depression that I fought so hard to treat and overcome with good nutrition and fitness all started to creep back. I have not been sleeping well and do not wake up feeling rested even after 8 hours of sleep. My body is sluggish and my joints ache again. My face has been breaking out again. Little by little I began to notice these changes this week, all before I even realized a lot of my clothes are too snug. My hubby and kids were noticing these changes as well.

So you see, being healthy and fit is not just about how your butt and gut looks! Although, I certainly do like when mine is slimmer and when I feel comfortable and confident in my clothes. But there is so much more to it than that, especially for me. It's about being healthy and well on the inside and FEELING well and feeling happy.

THAT is why I became passionate about nutrition and fitness to begin with and why I share my journey, to heal myself and to help others find happiness and wellness with themselves.

I've had mixed emotions this past weekend. Angry with myself for not taking care of myself as I should. Sad that my family noticed and wasn't getting the best from me. Ashamed and embarrassed, thinking of how people will judge me. Like a hypocrite to those that have counted on me as their coach to help them. But today, I choose not to feel that way and have decided to do something about it. These things happen, and I know I am not alone. So if any of this rings a bell for anyone, if my sharing inspires and motivates even just one person to make the changes they need, then my time writing this is not wasted and I am happy to have shared and to give you someone to relate to.

As of today, I am determined and moving forward and am fully committed to following another round of 21 Day Fix. My fix portion containers are out on the kitchen counter, along with a notepad to track my eating and water intake to keep myself honest and accountable. Then I will follow the next 3 weeks by doing 21 Day Fix Extreme. I will be pushing play daily, drinking my Shakeology and sharing my progress. I did finally find and unpack the scale today. The damage in the last 2+ months? Up about 6 or 7 pounds. Not too terrible as I expected it to be worse. But again, it's not all just about the scale and certainly not the only tool to measure progress. I'll take new body measurements and progress photos today too to document my "before" and "afters" with the program. Feel free to follow along. I always appreciate the encouragement. For anyone willing and ready to join me, I'd love to help and support and encourage you too. It is much more motivating with someone on your side!

To good health and happiness,

21 February 2015

Spring into Fitness with 21 Day Fix

Next Challenge Group is Starting on MARCH 9th!

I am super excited for this upcoming group and to have 2 of my new coaches on my team, Mindy and Chelsea, co-hosting it with me! What does that mean for you all? Even MORE support and motivation to help you be accountable and successful in reaching your goals. Awesome, right!! Our FIT & FAB in FEB girls are kicking some butt with the 21 Day Fix and I cannot wait to see how everyone does in March! Will you be joining us??

So what is this Challenge Group thing all about??
Watch this video!

Challenge yourself and gain control of your health and nutrition and fitness. Learn what it takes to lose weight in a healthy and natural way and KEEP IT OFF!

Here's what you get in this group:
• 1 on 1 support with a FREE personal coach
• Meal plans and portion control
• Nutrition tips
• Shakeology -Your daily dose of dense nutrition
• A top of the line fitness program
• NO Pills!
• No counting calories
• Group support & accountability from fellow challengers
• Focus on healthy lifestyle changes for real results, long term results, not temporary quick fixes.

It's time to take control of your life and end the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting and stop the rise of obesity... Fuel your body properly with real food, in proper portions, get active & live a healthy life. I am not a fitness expert, or nutritionist, or a doctor -- just a normal person that struggled with my weight and nutrition and finally got results in a healthy and natural way. I'm here as your Coach to show you and teach how to do the same and provide you the support and accountability you NEED to succeed.

Looking forward to hearing from you, learning what your goals are, and showing you the road map to your success this March!
To good health and happiness! -Sandy

More details and to RSVP to the March Group:

Submit your Challenge Group application:

More information about the Beachbody Challenge:

• • • Just 1 week left to take advantage of February's Fix Promos!! • • •

The 21 Day Fix Package: http://bit.ly/Promo21DayFix
The 21 Day Fix Extreme Package: http://bit.ly/Promo21DFExtreme

10 February 2015

A Shake A Day

Anyone that knows me personally or follows me on Facebook or Instagram, knows that I looooove my Shakeo and drink it daily!!

True Story. Being diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is what led me to seek out ways improve my nutrition and support my autoimmune system to stop my thyroid problems from driving me mad. I started looking at food in a whole new way and came across this stuff called Shakeology. Powdered wholefood goodness that was supposed to provide you with all the great vitamins, minerals, probiotics, adaptogens, yada-yada stuff that your body needs? Sure, I was skeptical! But I was also desperate and willing to give it a try.

At the time, my doc told me to expect some more weight gain and expect to be on thyroid meds within a year. 2 years later, I am in GREAT health and still thyroid med free! Am I saying that Shakeology can cure diseases? Not necessarily, but for me, good health keeps my thyroid disorder at ease and Shakeology as been a consistent key factor in my health and nutrition. For that, I am a very thankful skeptic turned Shakeology lover.

07 February 2015

Sneak Peek into Coaching

I'm hosting a 5-day HONEST SNEAK PEEK into the world of Beachbody Coaching. It will be a private group with open forum discussion on Facebook.

It is open to those who are considering becoming a COACH, or interested and curious about the coaching opportunity, but not currently working with another coach already.

This is a NO commitment, NO pressure, NO strings attached group! It is strictly to share how coaching actually works, what is involved, and to address common question and hesitations about the business.

If you want to RSVP for the group - message me or post below!

No obligation to do ANYTHING after the group is done. My goal is to give you the information you need to make a decision as to whether or not this is right for YOU.

26 January 2015

Spread Kindness and Joy

My heart was aching after having a chat with my son this morning about friends and life, because I get it and completely understand how he was feeling. It's hard being a kid sometimes and dealing with troubled friendships and mean kids. Heck, it's hard as an adult too!

Be kind to someone today, and tomorrow, and the next day. Befriend someone that you feel could use a friend. Make a kind gesture, even if it's something as simple as just smiling at someone or holding the door for them. Be the one to lift someone up instead of making them feel down. Even behind a smile on someone's face, you just never know how they are feeling inside and how lonely they may be and what kind of IMPACT you can have on them. Make it a positive one.

We are all on the same ride called life and it is much more enjoyable when filled with friends, happiness, and kindness.

Spread kindness and joy.
Be the one to lift someone, not bring them down.
Be the reason someone smiles today.

21 January 2015

FIT & FAB in FEB Challenge Group

This time last year, I was 40 pounds heavier than I am today and feeling miserable with myself, my weight, my health, the way my clothes fit (and didn't fit!), my constant fatigue and lack of energy, and my dreary moods. I felt lifeless and hopeless and depressed and was battling a thyroid disorder that I thought I would never gain control over. Just 7 months before, I had lost about 13 pounds doing Insanity to drop the post-preggo weight and prepare for a big family vacay we had planned to Alaska in the summer. By the end of the year, I had gained ALL but a few of those pounds back and was right back to the same size and shape as before. I was tired of it! Tired of being tired, overweight, and an unhappy and grumpy mom and wife to my family. I HAD to do something about it and I HAD to CHANGE!

I hated running, I had no time for gyms, nor did I feel like leaving the house. So once again, I popped in some DVD's. This time it was T25, again with Shaun T, the same fitness trainer and creator of Insanity. I must have started over with Day 1 on the program schedule about 7 times because I was having such a hard time getting motivated and doing it every day. About half way through the month, I came across an online challenge group to join in on. I wasn't sure what to expect and wasn't sure what being in a private group on Facebook would do for me, but let me tell you, BEST choice I made and the missing link that I needed to finally get my butt in gear! I didn't realize how important accountability and support would be for me to finally succeed at working towards and reaching my goals. Needless to say, I finally made it through T25 without starting over. The past year for me and my health and my body and well being has been completely life changing. And that's what it's been all about... making lifestyle changes. It's about getting active regularly and consistently and learning how to fuel your body properly.

So now it's YOUR turn! I am here for YOU, to help you and guide you and support and motivate you to make some changes in your life. I am sure you might have a ton of excuses, ifs, ands, and buts... but one thing I have learned is that there will NEVER be a perfect and right time. That's just life. We're all busy and scheduling more stuff into our day can be difficult, but if it's important enough to you, you can make it happen. Life is all about choices. So no more excuses! If you are someone that needs to get your health, nutrition, and fitness in order and are READY to do the work, I am ready to HELP YOU!

So what does THIS involve?
• ME, as your personal online coach.
• A small private group on Facebook.
• The group will be 4 weeks long.
• A Beachbody Program of your choice.
• Shakeology, your daily dose of dense-nutrition.
• Daily check-ins for support and accountability.
• Your participation & support for others.
• Fitness & Nutrition tips and resources.
...and fun!

This will be a small quaint group of about 10 women and I currently have FIVE spots available. Why limited you ask? To allow me to dedicate enough time to the group and my challengers and provide 1-on-1 help to everyone individually, and see that EACH one of you reaches your goal. Commitment to the group must be made by Tuesday, January 27th and will start on February 1st. SO hurry and claim your spot!

To help me get to know YOU and YOUR GOALS, and register for the group, APPLY BELOW.

If you have questions and would like to chat first, I'd love to hear from you!
Message me here on my blog: Contact Me
or on Facebook at fb.com/fitandsticky

heart emoticon  - Sandy

19 January 2015

When the WHY gets stronger, the HOW gets easier.

▶▶▶ Your Monday Motivation ◀◀◀

What's your WHY?! Dig deep and really think about it for a minute. Write down what one of your most important goals is, and be specific. Now write down WHY. WHY is it that you want to change whatever it is that you want to change?

"When the WHY gets stronger, the HOW gets easier. PURPOSE is stronger than OBJECT." 
In other words, you can't just have a goal or a dream in mind. You need to have a reason, a purpose, that will drive you to make it happen. The stronger your reason is for wanting to achieve that goal, the easier it will be for you to do what is necessary to get there. Your REASON is what is more powerful than the goal itself and THAT is what you need to keep in the forefront of your mind. Your WHY!

{Audio by Darren Hardy at DarrenDaily.com, voice of Jim Rohn}

14 January 2015

Current Goal: Lose the last 7 pounds!

 Oh Em Gee!!! 7 pounds!! That's it!! Just 7 little pounds until I have lost a total of 50 {FIFTY} with in-home dvd programs from Beachbody, drinking Shakeology daily, and cleaning up my eating habits. I so got this!

Yes, of course, it's not JUST about pounds lost and a number on the scale, but 50 pounds down from where I started will still be a pretty darn AWESOME ACCOMPLISHMENT! I am so pumped and feel amazing and am NOT quitting and giving up again. So cheer me on and help me stay accountable to this goal!

Honestly, 50 pounds is BEYOND what I ever set out for. I just wanted to lose the post baby weight and drop about 28 total. I didn't even think I HAD 50 to lose and certainly did not imagine that I would or could. I joke with hubby and ask him why he didn't tell me I needed to shape up, why he didn't nudge me to get my health and fitness back in check. His response, "I tried." :) And he did, but of course I don't like to listen. My message to you - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Set goals and GO FOR IT! Change your habits, tweak your lifestyle, get active and you WILL see RESULTS and feel healthy and great!

Thank you all for the love and support with my journey so far! Looking forward to supporting more of you and helping you reach your health and fitness goals.

To good health and happiness,

06 January 2015

No Excuses

"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." - Jim Rohn

YOU are 100% responsible for what happens in your life. In whatever area you are less than your best, it's your own fault. Your weight, your fitness level, your eating habits, your relationships with others, your marriage, your finances, your career progress - anything that can use improvement and be better - it's all up to YOU. The only variable factor to whether or not you will accomplish what you set out to do, is YOU. NO one else, NO excuses.

30 December 2014

A new me in 2014, new YOU in 2015

With New Years approaching and the busy holiday season and festivities coming to an end, I KNOW this time of year has many people thinking about their health and fitness and weight loss goals. I KNOW, because I've been there... every year, for so many years since having children and carrying around some extra pounds.

That was me just last New Years, OVER a year since having our third child, still overweight and still sporting a belly bump. It was quite humiliating and depressing when someone had asked if I was pregnant again (and I was not!). In Spring of 2013, I had started tackling my post-baby weight by doing Insanity (in my bedroom with the door shut because I was embarrassed to be watched in the living room at the time). I was also battling many symptoms associated with a thyroid disease, which only made weight loss harder for me. It was then that I discovered Shakeology, a nutrition shake, and started drinking it to help with immune support for my thyroid and to help with the weight loss. I was determined to get the weight off so I could fit back in to some of my clothes and look and feel better for a big family vacation we had planned for the summer. I managed to lose 13 pounds in just over 2 months and did squeeze back in to some of my old jeans finally.

After that, old eating habits returned and I stopped drinking Shakeology and stopped working out. You can imagine what happened. By the end of the year, there I was, right back where I started before Insanity and still trying to overcome thyroid issues. I was unhappy, out of shape, overweight, constantly run down and fatigued, fighting anxiety and irritibility and feeling hopeless about it all. I hated feeling that way!

So once again, I started the new year with a weight loss goal. My weapon of choice - Focus T25 and I started drinking Shakeology again. Shortly after getting started, I came across a post on Facebook for an online support group for people doing the Beachbody Challenge. I was already skipping workouts and still having a hard time with my eating. So I thought, why not, maybe that is what I need. Maybe if I have other people to share my struggles with and check in with, then maybe I will stick to it. Maybe I would quit giving up in the middle of the week and waiting for the next Monday to start over again. How many of you have done that?!

So that was me in the picture on the left, before realizing how LIFE CHANGING in-home workouts, eating properly, implementing a SUPER FOOD nutrional shake, and having ACCOUNTABILITY would all be for me. That was me before realizing what I am capable of, before finding my STRENGTH and BELIEVING in myself. That first accountability group I joined this year was a LIFESAVER to me and I am so thankful that I was a part of it. By the time I finished in that group and completed T25, I had lost 19 pounds and gained so much energy, vitality, confidence and self respect. I have since lost another 20 pounds this year with more Beachbody programs - Brazil Butt Lift, PiYo, and a few rounds of 21 Day Fix.
Focus T25 Results: Lost 19 Pounds (mid January - first week of April)

Health and fitness needs have to come from making lifestyle changes, not temporary fixes! You want to lose weight? You HAVE to get your nutrition in check. You want to be healthy? Then you need to eat clean and not put chemicals in your body. You've heard it before... There are no magic pills! You want to be fit? You HAVE to workout. It's as SIMPLE as that! Getting started and staying motivated is not always simple, but that's where my help comes in. I can help you choose a fitness programs that is in par with YOUR fitness level and that suits YOU and provide you a simple healthy meal plan to follow. Just like my coach did for me, I can provide all the tools and ENCOURAGE you and MOTIVATE you along the way, but you have to be willing to use the tools and do the WORK.

My results are not ridiculously remarkable greatest loser style results and I have certainly not been perfect. But they are true and honest HEALTHY results and I am proud of the lifestyle changes that I have made to be a healthier and stronger ME.

I am passionate about helping others that have been stuck in a rut like I once was, others that feel worn out and run down and don't think they have time for themselves. You DO have time. You just have to choose to MAKE time for yourself. You may be skeptical and worried about making the investment in yet another health and fitness program. Believe me, I get it... I was too! But I can GUARANTEE you, if you take the leap of faith and believe in yourself and truly commit; if you INVEST in yourself, you will NOT FAIL! Seriously, it really is guaranteeed... because Beachbody is cool like that.

If ANY of this is hitting home for you, sparking an interest in how I can help you, and/or lighting a fire under your you-know-what to finally COMMIT to the changes you want, PLEASE reach out to me! My next online support group will be starting soon and if you are still reading this, you NEED to be a part of it! Isn't it about time you stop putting yourself off?

To a Healthy and Happy New Year!!